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Department of Rehabilitation Medicine


Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

About Us

It’s ranked as one of the top rehabilitation facilities in the south Tokyo. The department strives to provide the highest quality patient care to those who are experiencing loss of function. The clinicians aim to advance the science and practice of rehabilitation through innovative basic science, translational and clinical research as well as educate trainees of all levels; including medical students, residents and fellows. The physical, occupational, speech and recreation therapists within our department provide critical services to patients on our inpatient rehabilitation unit. We offer a wide array of outpatient specialty programs for patients with neurologic, orthopedic, cardiopulmonary, vestibular, pediatric and other disorders. Moreover, the team-oriented approach that is at the core of rehabilitation medicine has resulted in enhanced collaboration with multiple other specialties within the hospital. We are active in diverse aspects of clinical care, and is helping lead the way in advancing our specialty.

The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) promotes equality, empowerment and independence of individuals with disabilities. These goals are achieved through enhancing and encouraging personal choice and the right to succeed or fail in the pursuit of independence and employment in the community.
The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) helps individuals with disabilities to live and work independently. MRC is responsible for Vocational Rehabilitation, Community Living, and Disability Determination for federal benefit programs.
In Massachusetts, the DDS was situated within the MRC in order to take advantage of its existing relationships with the medical profession, as well as the special skills of staff in making judgments about a claimant’s functional capacity to work. Additionally, applicants who had rehabilitation potential could be referred to the VR program for additional assistance in returning to work.
Our rehabilitation services include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy (including vital stim dysphasia training), wound care, pain management, nutrition, prosthetic/orthotic, dialysis and medical specialties to assist in managing patients’ conditions.

From the Chair

Patient Care