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Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

About Us

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is one surgical field that restores the body to near-normal condition not only morphologically but also functionally by performing plastic and reconstructive surgical procedures and/or special techniques for damaged tissue in the body. It aims to contribute to improvement of patients’ Quality of Life.
We cover a wide spectrum of diseases in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Treatments for trauma, tumor, and intractable wound, and reconstructive surgery are our fields of expertise. We have extensive experience in a variety of cases as follows.
  • Fracture of facial bones
  • Reconstruction for facial skin cancer
  • Facial paralysis
  • Reconstruction of breast, head, neck, and limbs
  • Intractable wound (leg ulcer, gangrene of foot, mediastinitis, and osteomyelitis)
We always strive for patients’ satisfaction by providing high quality medical care.

From the Chair

Patient Care