Patient Care
1. Diabetes mellitus
We cover wide spectrum of diabetes mellitus. Not only we focus on controlling blood sugar level but also we are making effort to make early diagnoses of diabetic complications, in particular microangiopathy including diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, and retinopathy, and prevent them from progressing.
We also work in close cooperation with relevant departments in order to make early diagnoses of foot problems such as diabetic gangrene or ulcer, arteriosclerotic disease (coronary artery, cerebrovascular, peripheral nerve disorder) and treat them. We always strive to improve our patients’ QOL.
We also work in close cooperation with relevant departments in order to make early diagnoses of foot problems such as diabetic gangrene or ulcer, arteriosclerotic disease (coronary artery, cerebrovascular, peripheral nerve disorder) and treat them. We always strive to improve our patients’ QOL.
- As one of the facilities specializing in diabetes, not only we make proper use of many kinds of novel antidiabetic medications but also we are a pioneer in Japan in the field related to insulin therapy for outpatients thanks to our abundant experiences and clinical research data. We proactively start insulin therapy in the early stage regardless of inpatients or outpatients. We have introduced cutting edge of insulin therapy with Sensor Augmented Pump (SAP) which integrates an insulin pump into a continuous blood glucose monitor. We have a special clinic (SAP clinic) to provide targeted patients with sufficient consultation.
- We proactively use continuous blood glucose monitors in our outpatient clinic besides SAP. Accurate grasp of change in blood sugar allows us to treat diabetes meticulously. We also send the results to doctors.
- Regarding pregnancy complicated with diabetes or pregnancy induced diabetes, we are working in close cooperation with obstetrics and ophthalmology departments to support planned pregnancies and deliveries.
- We also have nurse clinic including foot care clinic instructed by certified diabetes care nurses and/or certified diabetes educators, etc.
2. Dyslipidemia and obesity
We treat metabolic diseases such as dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, obesity, gout, hypoglycemia, etc. We focus on early diagnosis and prevention of dyslipidemia which may lead to development and progress of arteriosclerosis.
3. Endocrine disease
Endocrine diseases are often found in general malaise such as weariness, apathy, irritation, weight loss, weight gain, etc. or electrolyte imbalance. Besides, endocrine diseases are frequently underlying causative diseases which trigger secondary hypertension or diabetes. We are making every effort to make early diagnoses of endocrine diseases by proper examinations and treatments for our patients.
- We make diagnoses and provide treatment of thyroid dysfunction including Graves' disease and Hashimoto disease, and parathyroid dysfunction as well. Aspiration biopsy cytology is performed to thyroid/parathyroid neoplastic lesions.
- We make diagnoses and provide treatment of adrenal diseases including primary aldosteronism, Cushing syndrome, and Pheochromocytoma, as well as adrenal dysfunction including Addison disease, acute adrenal failure, etc.
- We also treat pituitary tumorous diseases such as acromegaly and prolactin-producing tumor, hypopituitarism, diabetes insipidus, etc.