Breast and Endocrine Surgery


From the Chair

Hideaki Ogata,M.D., Ph.D.
Hideaki Ogata,M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of Breast and Endocrine Surgery
Many people may imagine “a lump in the breast” as a sign of breast cancer. In fact, there are various symptoms such as dimples or stretches of the skin, rash on the nipple, etc. Because non-invasive breast cancer is asymptomatic, it is not until taking examinations that we know the existence in many cases. On the other hand, thyroid cancer has many types including papillary cancer, follicular cancer, medullary cancer, malignant lymphoma, etc. Surgery is sometimes indicated for nodular goiter, Hashimoto disease, Grave’s disease, etc.
We believe that one of our role in clinical practice is to make appropriate diagnoses for patients with problems in their breasts or necks, and provide up-to-date treatments. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your mammary gland or neck, do not hesitate to ask us.