From the Chair

Prof. Yosuke Sasaki
Professor and Chair
General Medicine and Emergency Center(Internal medicine)
Toho University Omori Medical Center
Professor and Chair
General Medicine and Emergency Center(Internal medicine)
Toho University Omori Medical Center
Today's medical field is highly specialized. This has opened up a variety of treatment possibilities for intractable diseases. On the other hand, it has also caused distortions, such as a cardiologist not being able to treat pneumonia, or a diabetologist not being able to take responsibility for cerebral infarction. In such a situation, the Department of General Medicine and Emergency Care takes care of all complications that cross over multiple medical specialties and cases in which the disease cannot be immediately identified. Therefore, we are able to accept all kinds of cases from all kinds of patients, diagnose them comprehensively, and aim to treat them. I think “General medicine is liberal arts in medicine”.