Patient Care
We cover various region of the body including sensory organs such as ear and nose except visual organs, and pharynx / larynx which control voice, swallowing and breathing. The number of surgery in our department is on the increase in recent years. Currently, we perform more than 1500 surgery in a year.
Rhinology Field
We perform more than 900 rhinological surgery, and it accounts for the majority of our surgery. We perform surgery mainly for chronic sinusitis, deviated nasal septum, allergic rhinitis, etc. They may coexist with some symptoms such as nasal discharge, nasal blockage, postnasal drip, and furthermore anosmia, headache, cheek pain, etc. for some severe cases. These are usually not life-threatening condition, however, surgery is expected to improve those symptoms and lead to better quality of life.
Larynx Field
We provide surgical treatments to the patients with hoarse voice caused by one-sided vocal cord paralysis for some reasons. We are one of the top medical institutions in Tokyo which perform phonosurgery for dysphonia including quavering voice. We would say that phonosurgery for spasmodic dysphonia is most unique in our wide range of treatments.
Spasmodic dysphonia is a disease which leads to spasm of the vocal cord muscle. The patients have the symptoms such as difficulty projecting their voice as they expect, quavering voice, and choking up for words. The cause remains to be elucidated, however, there seems to be many cases that increasing tension leads to unnecessarily tense up the muscle around throat and the vocal cord closes too tightly.
We perform thyroplasty using our original titanium plate to dilate such “too much closed vocal cord” and have achieved good outcomes. Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare disease with a small number of cases in this country, there are limited number of medical institutions which are able to provide special treatments. If you have difficulty projecting your voice or quavering voice, do not hesitate to consult with us.
In addition, we treat “recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis”. It develops symptoms such as hoarse voice caused by paralysis of the nerve controlling the muscle which moves the vocal cord for some reasons.
Spasmodic dysphonia is a disease which leads to spasm of the vocal cord muscle. The patients have the symptoms such as difficulty projecting their voice as they expect, quavering voice, and choking up for words. The cause remains to be elucidated, however, there seems to be many cases that increasing tension leads to unnecessarily tense up the muscle around throat and the vocal cord closes too tightly.
We perform thyroplasty using our original titanium plate to dilate such “too much closed vocal cord” and have achieved good outcomes. Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare disease with a small number of cases in this country, there are limited number of medical institutions which are able to provide special treatments. If you have difficulty projecting your voice or quavering voice, do not hesitate to consult with us.
In addition, we treat “recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis”. It develops symptoms such as hoarse voice caused by paralysis of the nerve controlling the muscle which moves the vocal cord for some reasons.
Otology Field
We proactively treat not only acute illness such as acute otitis media, aerotitis, etc. but also middle ear diseases in need of surgery. We perform various kinds of operations including insertion of ventilation tube for secretory otitis media, myringoplasty for chronic otitis media, tympanoplasty for cholesteatoma and otosclerosis.
Head and Neck Field
Region in head and neck is closely related to the functions of respiration, voice, swallowing, taste, etc.
As our basic treatment policy, it is taken for granted that we provide radical treatments with higher curable rate, but meanwhile, we need to pay attention to conserve the function after treatment as well. With regard to cancer treatment in head and neck, we combine three procedures which are surgical treatments, radiotherapy and chemotherapy (cancer drugs). We take advantage of our value as a university hospital, which is close cooperation with experts in other departments, to proactively treat the patients with comorbidities.
After surgery in head and neck, reconstruction surgery may be required for some cases which had a large deficit after resection. In that case, there are quite a few cases which we perform surgery together with the department of plastic surgery and gastroenterological surgery.
As our basic treatment policy, it is taken for granted that we provide radical treatments with higher curable rate, but meanwhile, we need to pay attention to conserve the function after treatment as well. With regard to cancer treatment in head and neck, we combine three procedures which are surgical treatments, radiotherapy and chemotherapy (cancer drugs). We take advantage of our value as a university hospital, which is close cooperation with experts in other departments, to proactively treat the patients with comorbidities.
After surgery in head and neck, reconstruction surgery may be required for some cases which had a large deficit after resection. In that case, there are quite a few cases which we perform surgery together with the department of plastic surgery and gastroenterological surgery.
Oropharyngeal Field
Sleep Disordered Breathing Center
In this hospital, Sleep Disordered Breathing Center mainly takes charge of detailed examinations and treatments for sleep apnea. We are mainly in charge of surgical treatments as one of the treatment options.
For adult patients, if surgery is indicated to treat it, we combine rhinological surgery such as tonsillectomy, palatoplasty and septoplasty to improve the upper airway tract morphology. For child patients, we provide surgical treatments or conservative treatments depending on each patient’s condition.
In this hospital, Sleep Disordered Breathing Center mainly takes charge of detailed examinations and treatments for sleep apnea. We are mainly in charge of surgical treatments as one of the treatment options.
For adult patients, if surgery is indicated to treat it, we combine rhinological surgery such as tonsillectomy, palatoplasty and septoplasty to improve the upper airway tract morphology. For child patients, we provide surgical treatments or conservative treatments depending on each patient’s condition.
Disorder of Equilibrium (dizziness)
There are various causes of dizziness, but some otorhinolaryngological diseases such as Meniere's disease and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) often cause dizziness. We treat them based on accurate diagnoses which we made considering comprehensively the results of detailed medical interview, some equilibrium function tests and imaging tests. Psychological factors such as anxiety cannot be discounted as a factor making the symptoms intractable.
We have synthesizing approach including rehabilitation, pharmacotherapy and surgical treatments for dizziness.
We have synthesizing approach including rehabilitation, pharmacotherapy and surgical treatments for dizziness.
- Otology Field 126 cases
Otological surgery
(Tympanoplasty / mastoidectomy, stapes surgery, tympanostomy tube placement, etc.) - Rhinology Field 962 cases
Endoscopic sinus surgery, septoplasty, turbinectomy, posterior nasal neurectomy - Oropharyngeal Field 337 cases
Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, tongue tumor, palatoplasty - Larynx / Trachea / Hypopharynx / Esophagus Field 100 cases
Tracheostomy, vocal cord polyp, laryngeal tumor, laryngectomy, phonosurgery - Head and Neck Field 122 cases
Salivary gland tumor surgery, thyroid tumor surgery, sialoadenectomy, neck dissection, deep neck tumorectomy, lymphoidectomy, cervical fistulectomy / cervical cystectomy