From the Chair

Yoshinori Kikuchi MD, PhD,
Senior Lecturer,
Director of Chemotherapy Center
Senior Lecturer,
Director of Chemotherapy Center
I graduated from our university in 1993 and entered the faculty of medicine in our graduate school. I attained a graduate degree in research on mismatch repair gene in the molecular biology department. I conducted research on senescence genes, which associate with the mechanism of canceration, from 1998 to 2000 in National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in state of North Carolina in the United States. I have been engaged in clinical practice with chemotherapy especially focusing on gastrointestinal diseases since December 2000, and was in charge of the project to train cancer professionals between 2007 and 2016. I was certified as a first diplomate in our university by the Subspecialty Board of Medical Oncology, Japanese Society of Medical Oncology (JSMO) in 2011. I have been providing cancer treatments and training junior doctors.