

Patient Care


MFICU covers high-risk gestation, delivery, and fetus. We deal with every gestational complication including placenta previa and pregnancy-induced hypertension in our outpatient clinic, and accept maternal transport to our hospital. We provide multidisciplinary care to pregnant women with complications such as connective tissue diseases, renal diseases, diabetic disorders, hyperglycemic disorders, mental disorders, etc. as a role of a university hospital. We also provide not only treatments for fetal diseases such as fetal structural anomaly but also highly advanced medical treatments such as fetoscopic laser photocoagulation (FLP) for twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), thoracoamniotic shunting (TAS) for fetal pleural effusion, and fetal blood correction / blood transfusion for fetal anemia.


NICU covers a wide spectrum of perinatal medical care including the care for babies who were bone in our hospital and transported from other medical institutions, and health instructions at our outpatient clinic for infants who were discharged from our NICU. We accept newborns in the Tokyo metropolitan area centering Ota ward. The number of annual hospitalization is about 360 cases in NICU/GCU and 1000 cases in the newborn nursery. We cover all therapeutic areas including low birth weight infant, neonatal respiratory distress, neonatal asphyxia, malformation syndrome, neonatal surgical disease, neurosurgical disease, cardiac surgical disease, etc. One of our features is that we treat more neonates with severe condition such as surgical diseases than any other medical institutions.

Follow-up Clinic

This outpatient clinic is open at 2 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday. We conduct long-term clinical follow-up on physical / psychomotor development of all child patients discharged from our NICU/GCU. We accept referred child patients received neonatal treatments in other medical institutions.
Major target diseases
・Low birth weight infant (very low birth weight infant, extremely low birth weight)
・Neonatal surgical disease
・Cardiac disease
・Neurosurgical disease
・Newborns with other morbid conditions

Fetal Ultrasonography Clinic

This outpatient clinic is operated with the concept “fetus as a patient” which we think of the fetus with disease as a patient. It is an extended concept of “prenatal visit” which pediatricians provide prenatal instructions during gestation. This clinic provides medical intervention or psychological support to the parents who have worries about their fetus. To be more specific, we perform specialized cardiac ultrasonography for fetuses suspected congenital heart disease, and provide consultation to their parents. Please ask your doctor to refer you to this clinic directly or through our OB/GYN.
Major target diseases
・Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
・Multiple fetuses / Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
・Suspected cases of fetal surgical disease
・Suspected cases of fetal cardiac disease
・Fetuses with other morbid conditions


This outpatient clinic specializes in vaccination against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) which may cause infant pneumonia. We vaccinate for infants who was born before 36 weeks of pregnancy, as well as those who have chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, Down’s syndrome, and immunodeficiency disorders